Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What To Do With My Life?

Well, heres the situation. I am not really asking a question that requires an "answer", but input is what im looking for. Im a senior in high school and feel that my time is being wasted. I grew up saying that people who drop out are stupid, but I have began to see that there is more to life than just conforming to society. I dont want to grow up and just be your average every day middle cl citizens with a college degree in whatever. My dream is to become an actor/comedian. I have come to see that the saying "chase your dreams" is not so cheesy at all". When people say "I wished I would Have" it makes me think. Anyways, I believe that the only people that are worthless and pathetic are the ones who didn't chase their dream and gave up. This may sound cheesy, but it is the truth. Honestly, now I don't even care about being rich, I just want to live the rest of my life without settling for less. All of my friends constantly tell me that I am the funniest person alive and need to become a comedian. I often make fun of and make smart *** remarks to complete strangers, and instead of getting angry, they laugh their *** off. I truly do have talent, and I am very smart also, so I believe I can touch bas with many different kinds of people. I have been searching around and found that a ton of famous actors and comedians dropped out of high school. I also know that in this day and age, even a high school diploma doesn't mean much, even some college graduates don't make much. I know I don't want to go to college because of what I want to do, so why waste my time away and make my chances worse. I know you may think this is stupid, but I am one of the kinds of people that don't believe in just becoming an average everyday citizen. I know everyone has their place, but maybe you will learn that its not all about what others think. I am so glad that I have the drive to go for what I want and not settle for less, and I just wish others would catch on to the real meaning of life. Anyways, I'm torn between the decision to drop out and move to LA, or just finish first. I just don't see me gaining anything out of this last year except a couple courses i will never use again and a piece of paper that says "congratulations, you are a statistic" aka Diploma. Anyways, my point was to state that I am starting to see what life is really about, and not get entangled in the everyday struggles of society. I just wish more people would understand, because I fell bad for the people who don't follow through with their goals and dreams. All those cheesy lines you ever heard are very true and arent so cheesy anymore. Also, I have no doubt in myself and I believe that will take me to great hights in my life. I would rather try and lose it all then live my whole life wondering for sure! Anyone have the same thoughts?

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